Hospital: 9:00AM - 1:30PM | 4:00PM - 08:00PM
Home: 07:30AM - 9:00AM | 2:00PM - 04:00PM , & Sunday By Appointment Only


It is a highly sophisticated and fully computerized test done in infants and neonates, preferred to perform under sedation. Sound send through ear and returning sounds are recorded ( rarefaction clicks ). Usually 2000 cycles are averaged with each intensity. Sound stimulation is given from higher Intensity to lower intensity i.e., 110db,100db,90db,and so on.
It is indicated in :

  • New born with jaundice,
  • New born with high grade fever,
  • Children with Congenital deformities,
  • Children with delayed speech,
  • After Forceps delivery,
  • Children whose mother suffered from Viral disease during Pregnancy etc